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Coaching Majors


Expectations for Coaches

Create an environment consistent with CKAA Mission, Vision and Values.

  • No one player sits the bench on defense twice until ALL players sit at least once in the recreational leagues.

  • Give players the opportunity to play multiple spots, but not at the expense of safety.

  • In recreational leagues, All players are in the starting batting order.  If you have 12 players, then 12 players bat in order.  Shuffle the order so all players bat similar number of times.

  • Coach every player.  Do not avoid any or assume they don't need it.  Ensure they become the best they can be.

Communication is key!

  • If communication is a strength of yours, then assume it.  If not, then outsource it, maybe a dugout parent, assistant or other parent if the skills align.

  • Create an environment of open communication and trust.

  • If there are situations on the team or you are making a decision, then communicate with the parents so they know and understand. 

  • Put yourself in the position of the parent.  They may be wondering why their son is playing every inning in right field.  Let them know if there is a good reason, and there should be one…

  • Know your players.  Each one matters!

  • Don’t avoid issues.  They won't go away. 


  • Please get to practice a little early and get set up.  All coaches should do this and work together.

  • Discuss the plan for the day with coaches.

  • Unlock bathrooms.

  • At end, ensure bathrooms are closed, locked, clean and lights off.

  • Lock all locks on the field.

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Best way for you to realize growth in fundamentals is by ensuring QUALITY reps.

Understand what each player needs and provide the right type of feedback.

Pre-Practice Chat

1. Plan of the Day - Complete before practice.  Have a plan! See below Practice Plans!

2. Word of the Day - Decide before Practice

3. Reinforce what they need.  i.e. 2 things in your control are effort and attitude, nothing else!


Step by Step Instructions on Catching

Use Fielding Pads/Pancakes to practice catching

Useful Tools/Gear


Step by Step Instructions on Fielding Ground Balls

Useful Tools/Gear

Use Fielding Pads/Pancakes to practice fielding

Smush balls for wall ball


Throwing Checkpoints

Useful Tools/Gear

Dodgeball for connection ball drill

Tee with Dodgebll for Ready, Aim, Fire and Tee Drills


Useful Tools/Gear

Use Tee and approprite drills to diagnose issues

Heavy balls for players that stop swing in the middle

Practice Plan


Base Running Coaching Tips

Infield Hit, Running Through the Base

1. Hard 60 to First 

2. Step on front side of the base

3. Breakdown on the line in foul territory

4. Look to the right

Rounding First Base

1. Know where ball is hit

2. Run hard

3. Use peek period to know ball cleared infield

3. Start rounding the base once it clears infield

4. Inside Corner (either foot, don't slow down)

5. Depending on situation, either go to 2nd if sent, or break down with chest to the ball.

6. If heading to 2nd, peek at 3rd base coach, if staying at first, get back to base. 


Sliding Coaching Points


Make a lineup prior to arriving.  Determine who will and will not be there by the RSVP on Game Changer.



Arrive early and prepare the team.  It is advised for Majors T-Ball on up arrival should be 1 hr before the game.


Warm up with dynamic stretching in an open area.  


Take some Batting Practice in the cages with cage balls.


Do not throw until you get on the field.


Hit some practice grounders, fly balls, etc.



Be a GREAT example - Players and parents are always watching you!


Divide and conquer.  Each coach should focus on a different part of the field/game to provide feedback and direction.  One coach may look at 1B, 2B and RF, while another will watch Pitcher and Catcher.  etc.


Find moments to praise, but also ABC - Always be Coaching.  Hold your team to standards when it comes to implementing what you have practiced.  Do not hold them accountable for things they were not taught.


Competition is good, but how we handle winning and losing matters.  Instead of focusing on the end result, instead, focus on how your team executed the plays throughout the game.  The team that does that better typically wins.  Focus on what is in front of you now.  This next play.


Treat all players, coaches, parents, and officials with respect.


No one player should ever sit an inning twice until all players have sat at least once.


In rec ball, we bat all present players.  Meaning if you have 15 show up for the game, then you will have a batting lineup of 1-15.


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Create the practice plan (earlier in day, or week)

Set up stations (20 min prior)

Coach discussion and review practice plan (10 min prior)

Sample Practice Plan

Practice Plan Template

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