Coaching Flag Football
Expectations for Coaches
Create an environment consistent with CKAA Mission, Vision and Values.
No one player sits the bench on defense twice until ALL players sit at least once in the recreational leagues.
Give players the opportunity to play multiple spots, but not at the expense of safety.
Coach every player. Do not avoid any or assume they don't need it. Ensure they become the best they can be.
Know your players. Each one matters!
Don’t avoid issues. They won't go away.
Communication is key!
If communication is a strength of yours, then assume it. If not, then outsource it, maybe a dugout parent, assistant or other parent if the skills align.
Create an environment of open communication and trust.
If there are situations on the team or you are making a decision, then communicate with the parents so they know and understand.
Put yourself in the position of the parent. They may be wondering why their son is playing every inning in right field. Let them know if there is a good reason, and there should be one…
Use the Game Changer Team Manager APP as your Communication Device! Learn more about the APP and Loading it here: GamChanger Instructions.
Please get to practice a little early and get set up. All coaches should do this and work together.
Discuss the plan for the day with coaches.
Unlock bathrooms.
At end, ensure bathrooms are closed, locked, clean and lights off.
Lock all locks on the field.

Best way for you to realize growth in fundamentals is by ensuring QUALITY reps.
Understand what each player needs and provide the right type of feedback.

Featured Dynamic Stretches
Athletic Position

Pre-Practice Chat
1. Plan of the Day - Complete before practice. Have a plan! See below Practice Plans!
2. Word of the Day - Decide before Practice
3. Reinforce what they need. i.e. 2 things in your control are effort and attitude, nothing else!
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Quick Steps
5. Sumo Squats​
​6. Karaoke
7. High Knees with Scoop
Not in Video: Lateral Shuffles, Marios, 50% Sprint, 75% Sprint, 100% Sprint, Back Peddals


1. Inside Arm Up
2. Head Up
3. Let QB Put Inside Pocket


Lateral Shuffling
Tracking and Angles
More Advanced Content
Here are more advanced concepts once your team has really progressed to further techniques.
Flag Pulling
Create the practice plan (earlier in day, or week)
Set up stations (20 min prior)
Coach discussion and review practice plan (10 min prior)
Practice Plan Template
Sample Practice Plan