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ABC's of Coaching

  • Know what you Teach - Taught 4 ways 

    1. Say it​ - Break it down into steps if you can

    2. Show it

    3. Walk through it

    4. Practice it

  • Make it interactive.​

    • Ask them what they think​

    • See if they know why


  • People can only change 1, maybe 2 physical things at a time!

  • People may think they are doing what you are instructing them to do.

  • Prioritize what actions to focus on first, then build on it once mastered. 

  • Play the long game!



  • Understand what you are looking for - Start from ground up!

  • Correct & Reinforce

  • Praise small wins & build on them




Fun Ball.jpg

Turn Practice into Games!

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