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CKAA Thanks You

Coaching is the primary driver in a child's experience while playing sports.  What you do MATTERS!

Development is Key

This includes you!

Developing players is a pillar of CKAA and something that we closely monitor.  That being said, development is not only for the players, but coaches as well.  Your development and growth as a coach will ultimately help the players.


You may feel like you know enough about your sport, and you may know a lot, but do you know how to articulate that to a player?  Communicating to a 5 year old is different than a 10 year old and an adult.  Learning tips that will help this communication can be the difference in an engaged player, or one that pushes away.


Perhaps you know how to hit and were a great hitter, but do you know how to break down a player's swing in understandable points?  Are there new techniques, tools or approaches that might be different than when you played last?  


Coaches that think they know it all, even if they have been coaching for years, sell their players short.  Be that coach that os plyable and open to new approaches, knowledge and the fact that even your development and evolution as a coach is key.

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