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Coaching Resources

CKAA has certain requirements that must be adhered to ensure the protection of volunteers and safery of our youth. Volunteers must be registered in the CKAA Registration System, have a Background Check and successfully complete Protecting God's Children. Details are on this page.
Babe Ruth/ Cal Ripken is the governing body for the baseball, t-ball, and softball programs within CKAA, while USA Football is the governing body for football. Each organization has a coach certification process, which is listed below. CKAA will reimburse the costs for the successful completion of online certifications but always appreciates your donation if you are willing.
This section hi-lights the different training gear CKAA has for you to utilize as a coach. Several of these items have multiple uses.
This section is intended to advise coaches of combinations, locations and other important details needed as a coach.
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